Flat roof. Flat roofs are roofs that are almost entirely flat, with one panel that lies across the top of a home. Pros – this roof is the fact that they only use a single panel makes them very simple to buy and install. Cons – the flat design means that rain and snow can collect on it and cause real problems. If you live somewhere that gets lots of rain and snow, they aren’t recommended but they can be good in warm, dry environments.
Bonnet roof. This is an old design, sloping at the top and this runs down to a flatter base at the bottom. The base is still slightly sloped but much less so than the part at the top. Pros – because the top of the building tends to be high before the slope becomes gentler, there is a lot of space at the top. That means that you can create an extra room at the very top of the building that is spacious. Cons – this kind of design is very rare among homes that have been built in recent times. That means that not many people have the experience of designing and building them so it can be expensive to get the work done.
Butterfly roof. These roofs are shaped like a letter ‘V’ and have two panels that meet in the middle. The water that lands on the roof is directed towards the centre and they’re usually found on buildings with very modern designs. Pros – it’s very easy to add more windows to the roof to let natural light into the property. The valley in the middle allows water to flow through it and be directed towards the drains. The flat panels are also very easy to add solar panels to. Cons – because of the complexity of the design, they’re quite rare and that means that they can be more expensive to have installed on your home.
Green Roof. These roofs are not just popular with people who care about the environment — they’re becoming mainstream. They are like ordinary roofs except they allow you to grow plants and flowers on them. Pros – as well as being very environmentally friendly, they’re rain resistant. The plants on the roof soak up the rain and that helps them grow and the plants also help insulate the roof by soaking in the sun’s energy. Cons – the main thing that stops more people using these types of roof is that they’re very unusual. There’s only a small number of people who want to do the work and maintenance required to make a success of it.